Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Debt and Lots of It

I am in debt. Ridiculous, mind-blowing, all thought consuming debt. Lately, thoughts of my debt have crept into my mind as much as thoughts usually do when you start dating a new guy. You're on your way to work, and all of a sudden you see his face in your mind. You're at work, trying to read something, but you don't even know what it is because you can only see him and that cute smile he gives you when you walk into the room. You're at the gym getting your cardio in, and your heart starts beating even faster, not because you've jacked up the speed on your treadmill, but because he makes your heart race. Well, having been in a relationship for a year and half now, JB still makes my heart race, but debt is giving him a run for his money.
This afternoon, all I have been able to think about is that the very healthy living I thought I was making, is in no way enough to allow me to put a dent in my student loans, or the massive other debt I accumulated while not working 6 out of the 12 months before starting this job. Also, I like to think I'm fairly responsible with my money. I bring lunch to work a lot and always take the subway instead of a cab. My weakness: Bulga bags, Michael Kors shoes, Marc Jacobs military style coats, Burberry raincoats...I have a problem. My shopping brain thinks I'm some kind of celebrity with unlimited coffers. I am somehow able to completely able to forget my immense debt in the face of the perfect pair of suede, lace-up, knee high, 3.5 inch heel, camel-colored boots. There has got to be some kind of support group for this...

1 comment:

Rain Delay said...

Check her out... Paf-diddy, once again, this is exactly what I have been thinking about this week.